Cut cornus mas branches
Cut cornus mas branches

cut cornus mas branches

Space each specimen 10 to 50 feet apart, depending on whether you want to hedge your plantings or have them stand apart as specimens.įor each transplant, dig a hole that’s about the depth of the root system, and a bit wider, so that you have room to work.Ĭontainerized saplings can be lowered into the hole straightaway, while bare roots should have their roots spread out over a soil mound in the bottom of the hole. When it’s time to transplant, prepare fertile, well-draining planting sites.

cut cornus mas branches

If you purchase bare root transplants, soak their root systems in water for three to 24 hours prior to transplanting time. Make sure to space the sites 12 to 25 feet apart, depending on whether you want them together as a hedge or to stand out apart from each other. Once they’re hardened off, you can transplant into fertile, moist, and well-draining planting sites. Hardening off simply entails bringing your seedlings and/or cuttings outdoors on an early spring day for 30 to 60 minutes, then increasing the exposure each following day over the course of a week to 10 days. Keep the cuttings in a location with warm indoor sunlight and maintain even moisture until they’re ready for hardening off and transplanting. With a sterile blade, remove four to 10 inches of a terminal shoot, defoliate the bottom half, and treat the cut ends with an IBA rooting hormone before sticking each into its own pot that’s filled with moist, well-draining media. You can take softwood cuttings in June or July. Once they germinate and seedlings grow large enough, you can harden them off before transplanting outdoors the following spring, as described below. Place them in a plastic baggie with a mix of peat moss and perlite.Īfterwards, they’ll need to be sown in moist, well-draining media next to a sunny indoor window, as they need light to germinate. Once harvested, remove the seeds from the pulpy coat, wash them off, and subject them to 90 to 120 days of moist stratification at 70 to 85☏, followed by 30 to 120 days of moist stratification in the refrigerator. The fruits will need to be harvested upon ripening – once they reach peak color in July, you can either shake the tree or wait for the tree to drop its fruits naturally.

cut cornus mas branches

Promptly harvesting dropped fruits is a surefire way to acquire some sow-able seeds. mas definitely deserve a brief hashing out. If you just want a plant in the ground ASAP, then transplanting a sapling is probably the best method for you. If this sounds like you, then go with seed or cutting propagation. Some folks like the challenge of raising a plant from its infancy. Propagating from seed is tougher than taking cuttings, which in turn is tougher than transplanting.

Cut cornus mas branches